Privacy Policy - France


TECHACTION, a Simplified Joint Stock Company with a capital of 2,000 euros, headquartered at 128 rue de la Boétie 75008 Paris, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under number 917 963 183, processes Personal Data (as defined below) as part of its activities, including Personal Data of individuals collected through its website. This "Personal Data Protection Policy '' aims to inform all concerned natural persons (''You, Your") about how TECHACTION collects and uses Personal Data and the means available to You to control such use. This policy also aims to define the commitments made by TECHACTION regarding compliance with the principles of European Regulation No. 2016/679, known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on personal data. This policy does not apply to third-party websites that may be mentioned on TECHACTION's websites.


This Policy sets out the principles and guidelines for the protection of Your Personal Data, including Personal Data collected on TECHACTION's websites. TECHACTION collects Personal Data online (including by email), in paper form, or orally; this Policy applies regardless of the method of collection or processing. The notion of personal data ("Personal Data") refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. A person is "identifiable" when they can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or one or more factors specific to them. The Personal Data that You agree to provide to us are subject to the provisions of this Policy and the applicable Terms of Use.


To access certain features of the websites and for business needs, You must provide TECHACTION with certain Personal Data. The Personal Data collected may include, but is not limited to: First and last name; Mailing address; Email address; Phone number(s); Login and password; Registration number; Curriculum Vitae; Type of organization (company, school, university, etc.), organization name, organization size, department and job title; Financial data (bank account details); IP address; Any other Personal Data that may be relevant for the purposes set out below. However, the Personal Data collected is limited to data strictly necessary for the purposes set out in Article 4 below. You are free to provide or not provide all or part of Your Personal Data. No personal data is collected without Your voluntary decision to provide it. However, if You choose not to provide it, such a decision could prevent the achievement of the objectives described in Article 4 below, and certain services and features of the websites may not function.


As indicated above, You provide Your Personal Data voluntarily. This Personal Data Protection Policy applies regardless of the method of collection (online, paper-based, or orally). In the case of online collection, this Personal Data Protection Policy will be available on TECHACTION's websites, and in the case of paper-based or oral collection, You will be informed of the existence of this Personal Data Protection Policy. Personal Data is generally collected for the needs of certain features of the websites and for the business needs of TECHACTION's group companies. TECHACTION collects and uses Your Personal Data for the needs of its business, including but not limited to:
-Personnel recruitment management;-Career and employee training management;-Administrative personnel management;-Customer and supplier relationship management;-Implementation of marketing or communication actions;-Management of property and personal security;-Management of communication tools (landline, mobile, email) and information systems.


TECHACTION's websites are: During your visit to one of these Sites, Cookies may be placed on your device (computer, tablet, etc.). A Cookie is a small text file deposited on your device when visiting a website or viewing an advertisement. A Cookie cannot damage the device you are using. The purpose of a Cookie is to store information about browsing the Site (pages viewed, date and time of visit, etc.). This information may be read during subsequent visits by the issuer of the Cookie. Under no circumstances do these cookies contain personal information. Cookies are never intended to fraudulently collect personal data. We use different types of Cookies because they serve different purposes. You can choose to disable Cookie storage at any time by configuring your browser. TECHACTION reminds you that disabling Cookies may degrade your browsing experience on one of its Sites and recommends configuring your browser accordingly, taking into account their purpose.


The "processing" of Personal Data notably includes the use, storage, recording, transfer, adaptation, analysis, modification, disclosure, sharing, and destruction of Personal Data as necessary based on circumstances or legal requirements. All Personal Data collected is kept for a limited period according to the purpose of processing and only for the duration provided by applicable legislation.


TECHACTION's websites may offer you the opportunity to visit hyperlinks leading to other websites. Linking the Site to these sites is considered to provide additional qualified information. In no event shall TECHACTION be held responsible for the content of these sites it does not edit, with the User acknowledging that these third-party sites and services or partners are entirely independent of TECHACTION. The redirection proposed to a third-party site does not constitute a recommendation, and TECHACTION is in no way responsible for the editorial content provided on the relevant sites.


In the event of accessing the websites from a country outside the European Union where the legislation regarding the collection, use, and transfer of data differs from European legislation, You agree to transfer Your Personal Data to the European Union as part of Your browsing on the websites. If TECHACTION were to learn that a third party is using or disclosing Personal Data without adhering to this Privacy Policy or in violation of applicable law, TECHACTION would take all reasonable measures to prevent or terminate such use or disclosure. TECHACTION may also need to transfer Your Personal Data to third parties if TECHACTION deems such transfer necessary for technical reasons (for example, for website hosting) or to comply with legal obligations. These transfers may be made via the Internet, mail, fax, or any other method that TECHACTION deems appropriate and in compliance with applicable law.


TECHACTION has implemented appropriate Personal Data protection measures to ensure that Personal Data is used in accordance with the purposes above and to ensure its accuracy and updating. You have the right to obtain access to Your Personal Data held by TECHACTION companies. Additionally, you have the right to request the rectification, updating, portability, or erasure of Your Personal Data. Furthermore, you also have the right to restrict the processing of Your Personal Data. You can exercise Your rights of access, rectification, portability, or erasure by sending a letter by post with your request, accompanied by a copy of your identity card, to the Data Protection Officer of TECHACTION at the following postal address: Data Protection Officer TECHACTION 128, rue la Boétie 75008 Paris, Or via the following email address:


TECHACTION ensures the protection and security of the Personal Data that You choose to communicate to it, in order to ensure their confidentiality and prevent them from being distorted, damaged, destroyed, or disclosed to unauthorized third parties. TECHACTION is committed to respecting the principles of Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default and, as such, has implemented physical, electronic, and organizational protection measures to prevent any loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, or eventual destruction of this Personal Data. However, despite TECHACTION's efforts to protect Your Personal Data, TECHACTION cannot guarantee the infallibility of these security measures due to inevitable risks that may arise during the processing of Personal Data. Since all Personal Data is confidential, access to it is limited to TECHACTION employees and service providers who need it for the performance of their duties.


Although TECHACTION has taken reasonable measures to protect Personal Data, no transmission or storage technology is completely infallible. However, TECHACTION is committed to ensuring the protection of Personal Data. If You have reason to believe that the security of Your Personal Data has been compromised or that they have been misused, You are invited to contact the Data Protection Officer of TECHACTION at the following postal address: Data Protection Officer TECHACTION 128, rue la Boétie, 75008 Paris, Or via the following email address: TECHACTION will investigate complaints regarding the use and disclosure of Personal Data and will attempt to resolve them in accordance with the principles set forth in this Personal Data Protection Policy. If, despite TECHACTION's efforts to preserve the confidentiality of Your Personal Data, You believe that Your rights are not being respected, You have the option to lodge a complaint with the French supervisory authority, the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL).


For any questions regarding this Personal Data Protection Policy, You can send a letter to the following postal address: Data Protection Officer TECHACTION 128, rue la Boétie 75008 Paris Or via the following email address:


This Personal Data Protection Policy may be updated as needed by TECHACTION and as circumstances or law require. This Personal Data Protection Policy will enter into force on March 20, 2024.
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